Endless Eight


2009年07月23日 22:58

"Something is strange.........."
Kyon will probably say that tonight too.

↑This time's Haruhi is really sweet. It's from Ep 13.

Tonight, It'll be on air Endless Eight again.lol

maybe 6 times, huh?

Hopefully it'll be done tonight.

Hey Kyon! It depends on yooooooooooooooooou!!!

There are some rumors about it.

like they'll spend hole this season for Endless Eight.
and then they'll have a new season for The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya.

or the tittle is ”Endless Eight”. so they'll repeat 8 times.

and something like that


Actually I don't mind either way, if I can see Nagato wears Yukata though.haha

I've found some interesting videos.
Check these out. If you understand Japanese.


【ニコニコ動画】涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 エンドレスエイト5話分同時再生
